Copying to clipboard does not work in ver. 2.3, and without this functionality application is useless. There is a free alternative Minikeepass
Copying to clipboard does not work in ver. 2.3, and without this functionality application is useless. There is a free alternative Minikeepass
As for now is doesnt work at all. I cant synchronize it with Dropbox as it displays some error all the time. I couldnt find how to create at least local database... Hope to see update soon.
Hi, is there any posibility to add Google Drive accessibility and/or registration application in iOS to open .kdbx in Google Drive appłication with function Open with?
Search feature does not work at all. This is basic.
It does not work with my kdb file. It gives me empty window without any information about error. It is useless.
Local server doesnt work (on first tap nothing happens, on second app crashes). Spotted some UI artifacts (captions like Label). Guys, it would be great to have a KeePass app for iPad, so, please, take your own product just a bit more seriously.
Если честно, первый раз столкнулся с подобным говнищем. Не работает СОВЕРШЕННО НИЧЕГО! Залить базу от 2 версии через встроенный сервер не получается - вылетает. Через веб-сервер на десктопе - не заливает. Управление - как будто дебил наляпал, не имеющий совершенно представления о юзабилити. Огромный скроллер и малюсенькие кнопусечки. Клавиатура для пароля выезжает - закрывает половину строки набора. В базу не пускает, пишет Error. Короче, писец какой-то. Остаюсь пока на KeePass и базах от 2.14. Она хотя бы работает. "Разработчику" - позор. Тестируйте, уважаемый, лучше свой "продукт", а то пахнет нехорошо от него, даже за доллар. А лучше верните деньги, мелочь, конечно, но платить за это говно - обидно. За два года можно было бы и получше что-то сделать. Its absolutely unusable program with awful GUI and lots of bugs. I couldnt make it to work right, I didnt manage to put my KeePass DB file inside neither by internal Server nor by downloading from my Desktop Web-server. The GUI is absloutely not-intuitively and user-unfriendly, all the controls are too small, their positions arent in the comfortable places to use. This program wasnt developed in the "Apple-style", it is much more worst. Please, back me my dollar or fix all these bugs and change this F*****G interface, if youre a real developer but not just a playing kid. Please, test your program better before sending it to AppStore.
Why you broke that feature????
I have iPhone4 and iPad3 (both with iOS 7). iKeePass works pretty good on both devices. It also correctly syncs with DropBox and opens keepass 2.xx files.
Automatic logout when the app is still in background is a disaster!!! How are you supposed to use the app? You need to jump in and out of the app in order to copy the link, the username and the password. With the automatic logout you are required to input the login password every time!! Are you crazy???
After linking with dropbox this app hangs after 2 secs from start. La colleghi a dropbox e ogni volta che la apro si blocca. Pessima!
It crash after last update - crasha dopo lultimo update. Need to fix asap - necessario fissare velocemente. tnks
I waited two months for an update, but nothing... I want my money back! Or fix the bug!
I can not logout, I open the app the db is unlocked, everybody can see the passwords!!!!!!!! As it is the app is completely useless, I can just keep my pass on a note or email message or a piece of paper.
There is an error when I try to create a database and sync it with dropbox, so complicated and it doesnt work at all.
With os10 the show password does not show the password and the copy password doesnt work
Two days ago when I upgraded my iPad to iOS10 I did not realize the effect it would have on my iKeePass database. Logging into iKeePass and viewing all the various companies and sites in which I work with is not an issue. However, the sole reason all these places exist in the database is no longer operational. Selecting the On to view the password for a specific database entry does not display the password. Selecting On does change the button color from gray to green, but not having the password is really the heart of the issue. After all this is a password database. Somehow I now have to reset all passwords and store them else where. Please fix this issue soon.
Effective with iOS 10, the show password feature no longer works correctly. Copy to Clipboard does work, however. Passwords can then be pasted into a Note.
Show password no longer works, the button moves and goes green but you have to paste password in a note to view it. When is the ETA for a fix?
Sense updating to os10 Im unable to view or change any data. Program crashes when editing data