This is the best iPhone / iPad KeePass app there is. It is not perfect, but what app is? As a user of the KeePass for 10 years on my PC I expect a lot from the iPad / iPhone app. Originally, I eagerly awaited the My KeePass app to be built. When it finally was it was full of bugs and didnt ever really work correctly. I must have not been the only one to feel this way as iKeePass came out less than a year after My KeePass. Immediatly, I could tell there was no comparison. This one had several abilities the other one didnt have. For instance, to open multiple password databases, ie work, personal, and side job open at the same time, but not mix them together. Now with the ability to read the updated 2.x database and link into DropBox keeping the native database encryption, I can keep all my databases up to date safely and easily. Thank you iKeePass
tx2step9697 about iKeePass, v2.5.1